Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Create the Change YOU Want

An entire year has passed. What did I learn this year? Some things are really easy to do. Passing frivolous judgment is easy without being accountable. We all can sit on sofas in front of a 42 inch TV and scream at our cricketers or footballers on how they should have played the shot or passed the ball but the ones actually doing it out there are the real protagonists truly making a difference in the outcome – better or worse. During the Sydney seize there was a tweet about so many security teams and only one gunman and still they were unable to crack him in minutes. Such reckless comments are pitiful. I felt like tweeting back to the person – “what would you have done if you were in charge?” 
Barack Obama had said that “Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.  Incumbent Prime Minister Shri. Narendra Modi is the true manifestation of this quote and an inspiration. Let me be clear though that I am apolitical. Whatever inspiration I draw from this personality has got nothing to do with his ideology or political stand. He has demonstrated systematically why and how to enter a system, work hard and take the responsibility to change it. Due to his active involvement in politics, he has risen through the ranks and now become the Prime Minister of India. Today he is in a position to actually execute his plans and vision. It all comes down to choices. What we choose to do about a situation really matters. We all get different opportunities in life, what we create out of them makes the difference. We can either choose to sit on the fringes and make noise which no one will hear or get into the thick of affairs and make ourselves heard, seen and create the change we seek
We have strong examples closer to home. TSSIA’s selected office bearers and members have been fighting relentlessly against LBT and Octroi. The level of involvement and dedication is phenomenal. These are people who have chosen to join an association and to work towards creating a change that they desire. What made the difference? It is the decision to act and not just speak and forward messages. It is easy to advice and pass comments but difficult to create an outcome. We often build notions out of nothing and pass crazy remarks without going into the depth or intricacies of why it can or cannot be done. Many of us suffer from half knowledge but do little to improve our condition. In our country, we have a very hands-off approach in general. It does not work. Get your hands dirty, walk the talk, see where the shoe pinches and then work to remove those obstacles. 
About a year back we started facing huge challenges in our business. We were left with two options – to roll up our sleeves and plunge in to reverse the situation or lament about mistakes, the past, current circumstances and the environment. Basically blaming everything but not taking responsibility. However, good sense prevailed and we started facing the obstacles head on thus slowly bring about improvements. The journey is a long one but atleast we embarked upon it. We would often discuss about certain business processes which were not appropriate and should be changed. Today, we are at the center of managing the business bringing in systems and processes that we feel are more effective and yielding good results. We took action and we started creating the change. 
When I look at our business challenges and feel the pressure; I think of the dire opposition that Mr. Modi faced and then came into power with resounding majority. Lesson is – everything is doable once we resiliently move ahead setting aside doubts and insecurities. I realized that the change in our business could happen not when our employees, suppliers and buyers do their part but when we start acting, leading the way and creating a framework to bring forth an outcome of our choice. We have to be the originator, the instigator as no one else will.  
The year is about to change and we can look forward to a newer year of hopes and aspiration. It is time we stop being at the fringes and take the responsibility and toil to create change. Change in our life by starting to exercise, eating better, doing yoga, spending more time with the family.  Your doctor, lawyer or spouse and kids cannot make it happen – only YOU can.
It is tough to take a stand, to get involved and to work with a purpose. It is difficult and time consuming but nevertheless rewarding at the end. We end up gaining more confidence and drive to achieve even more or take up newer causes, motivate others to join in. We have to keep at it and never let our focus waver. At times the journey might seem lonely but who said change was easy. 
Have a wonderful year 2015 ahead with renewed hopes, vigor and resolve.

The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new. ~ Socrates

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