Thursday, January 26, 2012

One of the 5 Winners of Gujarat NRE National Integrity Theme Presentation Contest At National Conference on Governance

By the grace of God, best wishes of my family and friends, concentrated effort of Adithya and my Editor Rajen ji, my presentation submitted for has been selected as one of the 5 winners.
This is an open to all contest advertised in Times of India and Economic Times for people to take part.
Gujarat NRE National Integrity Theme Presentation Contest At National Conference on Governance
Gujarat NRE National Integrity Theme Presentation Contest has now become an annual affair. This is being organised along with National Conference on Governance as a part of Global Steel 2012 initiative.
Trust based compliance or Enforced compliance – Which is more effective?

This win is dedicated to my father Late Mr. Pinak Basu. 

Click here

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Concentrating on Quality - Creating the 'Edge' Factor

Published in Jan 2012 - SMEWORLD Quality Seminary

MSMEs in 2012 and Beyond - The Sectors That Hold Promise

The initial pseudo-turnaround gave way and the dark clouds of inflation and recession are looming in the background. But unlike my case where I was unprepared, businesses have seen how bad things can go as recently as 2008 – 2009. Most had learnt their lesson and have become frugal and cautious. The economic trend at the end of this year is quite similar and there are lots of uncertainties around. In these days of slowdown, sky-rocketing costs and low investor confidence, some sectors are still resilient and are promising enough to remain focused on or to invest in. These sectors are not gravity-defying areas but highly grounded, essential and reasonably contemporary businesses with tremendous growth potential and market size to fit many. In this article, I will focus briefly on few such sectors which hold fair promises as sustainable investment options for entrepreneurs in the coming years.   
Published in January 2012 issue of SMEWORLD. To read the complete article, click here.

Evolution from Gurukul to e-Gurukul - Transformations in Indian Education Scenario

The  purpose  of  this  paper  is  to  deliberate  upon  how  the  education  landscape  is
transforming  in  India.  Education  is  a  source  for social  and  economic  development.
India  has  a  rich  heritage  and  contribution  towards  education.  Information
technology tools and the Internet are revolutionizing the education scenario in India.
Accessibility,  affordability,  diversity  of  choices,  richness  of  content,  availability  of
study material, blend of teaching techniques and the interaction between the mentor /
educator and the learner are changing the education scenario for India. 
This  paper  uses  Narrative  Inquiry.  The  authors  have  been  part  of  the  education
system as students and as a researcher and teacher spanning three and five decades
respectively. A case study is also provided based on the collected data.
This  Viewpoint  paper  indicates  the  rapid  changes  that  are  positively  improving  the
education scenario in India. The opportunities far outweigh the challenges.
The  finding  of  this  paper  establishes  that  there  is  a  nascent  market  for  e-learning
technology and enablers. The schools can and should tap into the available pool of
software  applications  as  well  as  Internet  resources  to  enrich  their  curriculum.
Content providers will have to continuously evolve and think “outside the box” to
present intelligent solutions that will find takers.
Education  is  a  social  leveler,  one  that  acts  as  an  instrument  for  financial  security,
economic  growth  and  improvement  in  standard  of  living  for  people.  Access  to affordable education is one of the key challenges for citizens residing in developing

Published in ECONSPEAK

A Journal Of Advances In Management,IT & Social Sciences  - Vol. 2, Issue - 1 (Jan, 2012) ISSN 2231-4571

To read the complete article, please click here.

Friday, January 6, 2012

The Economic Times Corporate Dossier - Surviving 2012: An action plan for the year ahead

I am deeply impressed with the thoughts shared by many management gurus and authors in ET's CD this week.
Just wanted to share it here.
My personal favorite from all the thoughts is the following:
Deepak Malhotra - Professor at Harvard Business School

In rapidly changing environments, in the face of resource scarcity, and under strong social pressure to conform, individuals and organisations underestimate their ability to control their own destiny, to reshape their environments, and to overcome the constraints they face. But as my recent book, I Moved Your Cheese ( reveals, success in the areas of innovation, entrepreneurship, business growth - and also personal growth - depends on challenging assumptions and playing by a different set of rules...our own. In 2012, every person and every management team should set aside a day devoted entirely to asking: what are some widely accepted beliefs, or long-standing assumptions, that we should reject in our approach to life and business?

Original Source: Economic Times Corporate Dossier
Click here to read the original article at the ET site